Monday, October 09, 2006

Two Annotated Lists of Online Applications


* Does anyone know when or how or under what conditions the touch panel controller in RB 106 shut down? I'm going to work on getting it fixed, and it's always good to know how and why it stopped working.

* In the meantime, if you're in 106, you can make everything work with the remote. Instructions are on one of the guidance sheets/comics on the counter.

* Just a reminder: Please be sure to re-lock the doors on the cabinets in 106 and 107, if you open them.

For your reference and entertainment:

--> SlideShare is an interesting new online utility that let's you post PowerPoint presentations for retrieval online. You have to ask to be invited to use it, but if you ask, they'll invite you. (If that makes sense.) I'm expecting to play with this a little. It's kind of YouTube for PowerPoint.

--> Here and here you'll find interesting annotated lists of web-based applications that might prove useful to someone with a laptop computer teaching in a school with great wireless internet access. (Hey! That's you!) And here's a third list of interest, overviewing online note-taking tools.

I tend to glance at lists like this now and then, so that if I can be aware of tools like this when the time comes that they might be immediately useful. E.g., I knew about Flickr for months before I tried it, but I fired it up when I realized it could be useful for photo essay projects in 103. I spent ten minutes looking at Writely one day, and I didn't really put it to use until almost a year later, when I needed to collaborate with a couple of people on a piece of writing. Etc.

That is all.


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