Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Laptop Teaching: Checking In

Hello, everyone.

Two quick notes, one very important.

* If you've got comments, suggestions, concerns, etc. about laptops or laptop teaching, now is an excellent time to send them along.  I'll be spending a lot of time at the beginning of next semester working on next year's tech request, and that's one of our big chances to get things fixed and upgraded.

* The very important note: We've got several new teachers assigned to laptop classrooms for spring, and we may be short laptops.  If you know that you won't really be using your laptop next semester, I'd appreciate knowing right away if you'd be willing to volunteer to turn yours in for re-assignment.  (If I don't get any volunteers, we may have to call some laptops back in anyway, and I hate doing that.)

Hope to hear from you soon,


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